Some cute and adorable pictures of my funny but lovable 2 year old resuce Ace
Ace Being lazy and refusing to wake up. He is definitely not a morning dog
Zoey likes to take ALL the blankets
Zoey and I have set up a pretty good routine. she wakes me up between 5 and 7 am, we go for a 3-5 km walk in Central Park here in Burnaby. Zoey sniffs around and I have been trying to use the time to be meditative and set a positive mindset. I’ve seen owls, coyotes and herons more than a few times. Zoey is usually more interested in the squirrels but eventually I convince Zoey to come home, she has breakfast. I have coffee and we get some cuddle time before I have to start the human parts of my day while Zoey goes back to sleep.
👋Newbies up in here saying hello to you all 🙊🙉🙈 SKyE 🐕
lazy pup
she’s a treat catcher (sung to the tune of Man Eater)
Saturday with Friends!!!
Saturday with Friends!!!
Saturday with Friends!!!
Saturday with Friends!!!